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How to Deal With Broken Teeth

Complete Life's Guide Team

Tooth Care Video

If you can make it to the dentist in time,  it may be possible to put the tooth back in place. If you’ve had a tooth come out of place, you can normally reposition it with your fingers. You shouldn’t use a lot of force, simply because it could damage the tooth. You shouldn’t force the tooth into place, rather try and jiggle it around. 

If you have gingivitis and you don t do something about it, it could lead to periodontal disease. Those who don't treat gingivitis or those who keep poor oral hygiene habits, will normally end up with periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a condition in which the bone and surrounding structures are destroyed. 

Over time, the tooth enamel will start to break down beneath the surface of your tooth, even though the surface will appear to be fine. Once the acid has managed to eat away enough of the enamel below the surface, the surface will collapse, which results in a cavity. After this has happened, if you don t get it treated, the tooth will continue to be eaten and the cavity will continue to spread until all of the tooth has been eaten, after which the enamel will be gone and your root will be exposed - which can be very painful. 

Some of the techniques require mild sedatives, also referred to as sedation. Sedation is a way to relax, given by breathing or IV (Intra Vein) through a vein in your arm. Sedation will help you to calm down, although you will normally be awake to answer questions or talk to your dentist. Some people who suffer from dental anxiety have had bad experiences. 

If not taken care of properly, the jawbone can become infected, which can lead to death in rare cases. To fix this problem, the dentist will need to perform a root canal. During the procedure, he will numb the area then drill a hole into the tooth. Using various tools and equipment, he will go down inside of the tooth and scrape away the nerves and dead pulp.

In most cases, if the problem goes without being checked, it can lead to serious trouble and maybe even become a life threatening situation. Normally, when you have a toothache, you’ll experience tremendous pain. The pain will stem from the affected tooth or the jaw, and you’ll know it almost immediately. 




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